W1OP.com and .org
are always under construction.
 PSKReporter scan of the LPDA on 10M headed West; and the
80M doublet tuned on 40M running East/West . . . the doublet West USA is under
the Pink traces -- both working multistation.
(Larger file here) |
 How W1OP's Collins 237B-1 LPDA Works
ARRL News and Features
 2024 W1OP Contest+ Operations
January VHF Contest
CQ 160M WorldWide CW Contest
Field Day SSB/CW/
ARRL International DX CW Contest
International DX Phone Contest
RSGB FT4 Activity Day
International Digital Contest
ARRL June VHF Contest
June Field Day Operations
WW Digi Contest W1OP and W1XPO/1 Operations
ARRL September VHF Contest
160-Meter Contest
FT Challenge
10-Meter Contest
Why is RI so hard to work for Worked All
 [ RI is
less than a third of FN41] |
2024 l 105th Anniversary Club
Founding l 103th Anniversary ARRL
Affiliation l SSB Remote Win4Icom l Now Active on
FM and Linear Satellites l "Work RI FTx Campaign"
As W1OP uses
multiple computers and a large database, we combine worked FTx files and load
them to LoTW and Club Log on a weekly schedule, more or less. Check to see how
many bands you have worked us on. If you would like an email copy of your
detailed contact info contact NE1Y@W1OP.com. We log on receipt of signal reports.
2023 W1OP Contest+
ARRL January VHF Contest Jan. 7
CQ 160M
WorldWide CW Contest Jan. 27
Winter Field Day SSB/CW/JS8Call Jan.28/29
MARS Armed Forces Day (AFD) Crossband Test
International Digital Contest, June 3/4
June VHF Contest, June 9/10
ARRL June Field Day Station 1 3A W1OP, June 24/25
ARRL June Field Day with GOTA Station W1C, June 24/25
June Field Day Station 2 3E W1D June 24/25
World Wide, July 8/9
ARRL/VOTA Program as W1AW/1, July 25-Aug 1
WW Digi
DX Contest as N1PRA, Sept 23/24
ARRL SSB Sweepstakes
Contest , Nov. 18-20
ARRL/VOTA Program as W1AW/1, Nov 28-Dec 5
160M CW Contest as W1AW/1, Dec 1-3
Roundup Contest as W1AW/1, Dec 2-3 |
2023 l 104th Anniversary Club
Founding l 102th Anniversary ARRL
Affiliation l SSB Remote RS-BA1 and
Win4Icom l Now Active on FM and Linear Satellites
l Five-Band RI FTx Email Award Program
l "Work RI FTx Campaign"
 During Jan. 2019, W1OP
decided to jump into the new FTx World using a fiberoptic internet remote
connection to its Clubhouse and the Collins 237B-1
LPDA at the top of historic Neutaconkanut Hill about 300 ft. above
the Atlantic Ocean. Hams have worked us on at
least FIVE DIFFERENT BANDS (in some cases as many as fifteen different bands
slots). W1OP started 2022 sending out via email our Five Gold Star, "Worked
W1OP FN41 RI FTx Five-Band Award." In three years over 10,000 Hams qualified
for this award and received it via email through a program set up by N1ET. We
closed this program down when it hit
10,000. We appreciate your help that leads to
us getting awards, as well as your participation in our special events, and
helping us build our contest scores. This enables W1OP to give back to our
worldwide Ham community by providing RI to those seeking "Worked All States"
Awards. If you want to see how many times you
actually have worked us on the different bands, you can access that information
on ClubLog available below. If you have any questions on our QSOs, we can
provide our contact records for your station. Thanks for being a Friend of W1OP
FN41 RI. |
 [Click on
image to see W1OP's 100th Anniversary ARRL Plaque recently presented at the
Clubhouse.] Press Coverage Article
2022 W1OP Contest+
ARRL RTTY Roundup Jan.8/9
Field Day Jan.29/30
CQ World Wide 160M CW contest Jan. 30
ARRL International DX Contest (CW) Feb. 19-20
International DX Contest (SSB ) Mar. 4-5
6M Sprint May 14
International Digital Contest June 4-5
Field Day -- June 25-26 3A at K-2868 #1 RI
Field Day -- June 25-26 W1C 3E at HQ, #5 USA
Sweepstakes SSB -- Nov 5-9
ARRL Sweepstakes CW -- Nov 19-20
ARRL 160
CW -- Dec 4
FT Roundup -- Dec 5-6 19-20
2022 l 103rd Anniversary Club
l 101th Anniversary ARRL
l Five-Band RI FTx Email Award
l Armed Forces Day Crossband Test, using
callsign NAF, Newport Naval Radio Station Museum at Ft.
Burnside l "Work
RI FTx Campaign" Continues Total 12/25/2022 - 103,000
- RI FN41 Total 7/4/2022 - 1000 W1C - RI FN41
2021 ARRL+ W1OP Contest
Participation: ARRL RTTY Roundup Jan.2/3
CW Contest Feb. 20-21
ARRL DX SSB Contest Mar. 6-7
Part May 1-2
ARRLField Day June 26-27
CW Contest Dec. 3-5
FT Roundup Dec. 4-5
W1OP 2021
l 100th Anniversary ARRL Affiliation l W1OP/100 l 2021 Year in Review Work W1OP FTx Contacts Campaign Continues 12/29/2021 - 74,000 - RI FN41 3/15/2021 - 4,400 - FL EL96 W1OP/P WAS Mixed, Digital,
FT8 |
Licensed Radio Amateurs in Service
SATERN is the official emergency communications
service of The Salvation Army SATERN, a group of licensed Amateur Radio
Operators providing emergency communications support for Salvation Army
operations in local,
regional, and international
disaster and emergency situations.
Connected to the
Red Cross Safe and Well Program. |
The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) consists
of licensed Amateur Radio Operators who have voluntarily registered their
qualifications and equipment, with their local ARES leadership, for
communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes. |
The "Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service,"
is a protocol created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the
Federal Communications Commission. RACES volunteer operators are licensed
Amateur Radio Operators certified by a civil defense agency to be able to
communicate on Amateur Radio frequencies during drills, exercises and
emergencies. They are activated by local, county and state jurisdictions and
are the only Amateur Radio operators authorized to transmit during declared
emergencies when the President of the United States specifically invokes the
War Powers Act. |
The Hurricane Watch
Net is a group of licensed Amateur Radio Operators, trained and
organized to provide essential weather related communications support to the
National Hurricane Center during times of Hurricane emergencies. |
1935 through
1955 ... the Providence Radio Association used the W1INM call sign. In 1976 we
used AC1OP. |
 In 1934 the PRA moved
to 3 Valley Street in Olneyville where it was first licensed as W1INM. This
address had previously been a broadcast station complete with two 80 foot
towers. This is it! |
1-LI W1OP's Call from 1926 ... Allowed CW transmission
only |
Providence Radio Association Interested in our membership program? Contest operators always welcome Contact:

 New England Digital Emergency Communications Network
(NEDECN) Including direct access to
Amateur Radio Network
 W1OP's DMR Repeater
447.725 MHz on the New England Digital
Emergency Communications Network (NEDECN)
region-wide DMR system ...click
here for detailed information
 W1OP/r 223.98 MHz
 W1OP Log in
 W1OP Newsletters The Old Professor, December
2024 A Special Double Edition highlighting the wide range of new
and traditional Ham activities our members are into: DX Worldwide and Tecnical
Progress, Operating W1AW, AJ1S's European tour, the 2024 Field Day activity,
the 2024 Awards Banquet... among others. The Old Professor, June 2024 The Old Professor,
December 2023 The Old Professor,
September 2023 The Old Professor, June 2023 The Old Professor, December 2022 The Old Professor, September 2022 The Old Professor, June 2022 The Old Professor, March 2021 The Old Professor, December 2021 The Old Professor, September
2021 The Old Professor, June 2021
 K1DS explains Earth-Moon-Earth [EME] amateur comunications in this recent
presentation at W1OP.

W1OP on PBS K1DT, David Tessitore, President of the Providence Radio
Association, speaks with Llewellyn King, host of White House Chronicle, about
the history of Amateur Radio and its impact on
 [click on image for video ]

 PRAfoundation.ORG Under Construction President@W1OP.org 501(c)(3)

 ARRL New England Division
Newletter Serving ARRL members who reside in the New England
W1OP YouTube Videos
Member Access to Remote Stations and
Servers now includes SSB and FTx 2022 |
W1OP's Weekly DMR Net on the New England Digital Emergency
Communications Network (NEDECN) region-wide DMR system ... NE TAC1 Channel
at Sunday, 8pm local time. Visitors Welcome, N1DM net
N1DM's Introduction to DMR Alico/Anytone
Programming Originally set up as a
Slide Show,
this presentation outlines DMR: Programming Notes
for Anytone and Alinco Radios.
 An annotated
history chapter in the History of RI

 [Click on map to see GRID MAP PAGE]
W1OP's FT4, FT8 Operations Digital contacts from
W1OP FN41 RI are mostly remote controlled by operators in RI, MA, NH, and FL.
The station uses TeamViewer, AnyDesk, or Chrome Remote Desktop for remote
control of three IC-7300's, or three Elecraft K3's, and sometimes an additional
IC-706Mk2G. Antennas include the Collins 237-B1 Log
Periodic Dipole Array[see below]
that covers 10M through 40M, an 80M Doublet with a LDG AT6 Pro II
tuner, a 5 element 6M beam, a 2M beam, or a 73ft end fed vertical using a Icom
AH-4 that covers 6M through 80M, and a 160M inverted L antenna. A Verizon FIOS
fiber cable provides internet connection.
Whatever matching requirements needed
with the LPDA are handled by the autotune in the 7300 or K3 with an average
output of about 85+W. Most of the time the LPDA is oriented toward the
Mediterranean as we are located on a 300ft high hill favoring the Atlantic
Ocean. Our logs reflect a very high percentage of DX because of this.
It takes about 10 minutes to turn that 3,000 lb. beam
stateside. Our software is the standard package of WSJT v2.7.0 and N3FJP
v7.0.10. Logs are loaded to LOTW and ClubLog. |
Centennial Year activity was particpating in the Annual Armed Forces Day
Crossband Test using Call Sign "NAF" (with assigned Military Frequencies)
representing the original Navy NAVRADSTA (T) site in Jamestown, RI. NAF
operated on Military Frequencies and made contacts with amateur radio operators
on ham frequencies --"Crossband". The Army Military Auxiliary Radio System
(MARS) hosts the test.

Hendricken High School Amateur Radio Club W1BHX does Winter Field Day at
W1OP as part of three-event Jan. Centennial Weekend: 1 Set Up of Ft8
FN41 Station, 2 Winter Field Day, 3 - CQ WW 160M CW Contest.

In 1957,
When other radio clubs were spending time working with resistors, tubes, coils,
and capacitors, members of W1OP were digging, sawing, lugging and hammering
their new Clubhouse together.

Lookups 36,000 12/31/2018 Lookups 80,000 9/9/2020 Lookups 117,000 3/1/2022
Lookups 139,000 3/23/23 W1OP/100 Lookups 8,000 3/1/2022 HQ -- Grid: FN41gt in RI Beavertail State Park-- Grid: FN41hk in

W1OP Annotated History 1919 --
W1OP History Early
W1OP's First
License '1LI' signed by Herbert Hoover after WW1 in
Note to W1OP from Pres.
Clinton 1997
75th Anniversary Report 1997
ARRL Certificate of Affliation

Starting 2/22/2022 
From the ARRL's QST:
All about "Field
Day" Every June, hams
throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public
places to demonstrate ham radio's science, skill and service to communities and
the nation. It combines public service, emergency preparedness, community
outreach, and technical skills all in a single event.
Some participants may also choose to
operate from home, using the exercise to develop and practice their personal
radio communications capability. Field Day has been an annual event since 1933
and remains the most popular event in ham radio.
The main focus of Field Day is to work as many
stations as possible on the 160-, 80-, 40-, 20-, 15-, and 10-meter HF bands,
all bands on 50 MHz and above, and to learn to operate in abnormal situations
in less-than-optimal conditions.
premium is placed on developing skills to meet the challenges of emergency
preparedness and acquaint the general public with the capabilities of amateur
radio. Many local amateur radio clubs participate in ARRL Field Day. |
President@ W1OP.com Info@
W1OP.com TechChair@
W1OP.com © 2025 -- The Providence Radio Assoc., Inc., 1 Ludlow St.,
[GPS: 30 Ludlow] Johnston, RI 02919 W1OP2017 |